I am connected to Art of Living organization since 2002 when I was doing my MBA, my sister Kalpana told me about it. She suggested me to do the basic course, in the beginning I was resisting to join but some how she managed to convince me. I went for the course and now I know what I gained in all these years by doing different advance level courses.
The courses are strong enough to take out any type of negative emotions stored within us from years. Mentally & Physically you become so strong that nothing can affect you. Sri Sri, has designed the knowledge points in such a way that you can apply them in your daily life and use them as weapons to protect yourself from being affected. He has included strong and ancient processes. And you really feel so refreshed and happy after the course. I personally can’t start my day without doing Kriya!!
His books are as inspiring as him, the books I read are, God Loves Fun, Wisdom of New Millennium, Punarnava, Buddha-The Manifestation of Silence, Source of life, Spirit of Enquiry, Belongingness Silence, The Seven Spiritual Laws, Celebrating Silence etc.
I first met him personally in Canada, Quebec when I was attending my advance course. There was some thing in him which attracted me, am still in the path of discovery who is he actually??
But the tremendous effort he is putting to get SMILE in millions of people around the world is so inspiring. His “Sudarshan Kriya” has healed millions of people around the world. You name any place and there is an Art of Living center there. The instructors who he chooses are so energetic and caring, and they are so well trained. AOL have adopted hundreds of villages in India, they provide free schooling for rural children and basic amenities to people. They have started Youth Leadership programme in various countries, they are also teaching courses in jail. This is the thing which attracts me because why will anyone go to jail and speak to criminal, understand them and make them feel they are actually good by heart.
He is also very miraculous man …there are thousands of stories of different devotees and I myself have experienced lots of things in my life.
Thanks to Guruji for loving all of us so much!!
i wud suggest u to repeat the course which is being taken by Anand Rajendran @ Chicago. It's happening from Feb 22nd to 27th. For details, u cud check the local chapter for details. Its quite an experience :)
Hey Sweta:)Good one...keep writing!
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