Happy Soul ..

Happy Soul ..

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Himalayan Master !!

Once one Prince happened to visit Swami Rama’s Master: Prince: “Sir, you seem to be lonesome”. Master said” Yes because you have come. Before you came I was enjoying the company of my friend within. Now that you have come I am lonesome.” It is true that the highest of all companionship is the company of the real self. Those who enjoy the real self are never lonely. Who makes you lonely? Those who claim to know and lone us or those whom we love create loneliness & make us dependent. We forget the eternal friend within. When we learn to know real self we do not depend on externals. Dependence of external relationship is ignorance that needs to be dispelled. Those who know the friend within love all & are not dependent. They are never lonely. Loneliness is a disease. Being alone happily means enjoying the constant company – the constant awareness – of the reality.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Guru Purnima !!!

The Guru in the Hindu tradition is looked upon as an embodiment of God himself. For, it is through his grace and guidance that one reaches the highest state of wisdom and bliss. "My salutations to the Guru who is Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara. The Guru is Parabrahma incarnate"

Gururbrahmaa gururvishnuh gururdevo Maheswarah Guruh-saakshaat parabrahma tasmai shrigurave namah

Guru Purnima is a thanksgiving ceremony remembering all the ancient rishis, seers, sages who have brought this knowledge of self. Guru Puja means that which comes from the fullness and the five elements which are used.

5 signs of a Guru Kripa:
Dukha Kshaya : Sorrow Diminishes. Just give you all the botherations to Guruji.

Sukha Avir Bhaava : Without any apparent reason, joy wells up.. happiness simply wells up. If it does, know that either the Guru is in your thoughts or you are in Guruji's thoughts. Whenever there is a satsang or course, go and help out. Samvridhi and Samvardhan happens on their own.

Gyaan Raksha : Knowledge gets reserved. You know many things but suddenly when you sit in the course, it comes back. Protecting the knowledge that you already have

Sarva Samvridhi : There is no lack or dearth. The feeling of lack diminishes. With a child, if you go and ask them 'what do you want?'. They will say 'nothing'. For babies. Abundance starts happening... in mind and heart. This indicates you are getting closer to the Guru.

Sarva Samvardhan: Talents start coming out. People who have never written poems start writing... skills which you never have had before start coming out. If you do Teacher's Training Course, all these skills start coming out. For example, in Teacher's Training Course, you are given half hour to go cook for 100 people. Sri Sri gives example of how volunteers are running this organization.... amateurs, not professional. This indicates Samvardhan.

These are the five characteristics of the Guru.... five qualities. And coming near the Guru doesn't mean just sitting near the Guru. In the heart you need to feel close. Each one of you must play the role of the Guru to someone or the other. Unconditionally be with the person, be in the knowledge. Each one of you is Guru to someone. And each one of you must play this role for someone. When you are nobody, then you become a Guru.And being nobody is not a difficult job as far as I am concerned. When you are nobody and you care for someone or everybody, then you become Guru to someone. Everyone can play this role... by giving unconditional space.
You know, Guru is not stuffing someone with knowledge. No Guru does not stuff you knowledge. Instead, He makes you hollow and empty. You don't have to be a scholar to help. Guru means the 'expert of life', the one who knows how to handle the mind... because the one who has no mind can handles another's mind. One mind cannot handle another because they fight with each other.
For you, having no mind in at least some occasions makes you a Guru.There is two aspects to Divine/Shiva: knowledge you desire from Shiva, and liberation you desire from Vishnu. This is a dichotomy to show they are both the same. And then, desire victory from everywhere. And defeat at the hands of the disciple. The teacher really expects to be defeated by the disciple. The teacher wants the student to excel. So scriptures say that if at all you must desire, not that you must, then desire defeat at the hands of the disciple.. so that knowledge goes on.
DDD- DESIRE DEFEAT at hands of DISCIPLE Imagine if a professor thinks what he has formulated should be the end and nobody should question or develop from there!! But when can you develop? Feel the presence of the master. Me and my Master are the same.... this oneness then spreads through the whole life... to everyone around. Move in the path with perseverance and patience. Guru Purnima is an occasion to remind you of your sacred journey. Your life is not about eating, sleeping, gossiping and dying ,Even eating, I am not sure about. Not only do we eat wrong food, we force everyone else to eat it. We need to know how to eat well, sleep well, meditate well, and serve well. And constantly remind oneself that 'I am on a sacred journey. I am on a path that is so precious' .
There is another verse in Sanskrit... among the million species, getting a human life is so precious. The size of an elephant's and ant's soul is the same. And in human beings. But to be born as a human being is so precious... do not waste the human birth. And even being born as a human being, it is very difficult to get on a path. With so many spiritual shopping, one does not know where to go. Knowledge, the desire to be free is even rare. There are 6.5 billion people on the planet... how many are seekers? Just a handful.
So, those of you who got this yearning are so lucky... because you got the second blessing. First blessing is human birth, and the second blessing is this yearning. The third is the company of the wise. Maha Purusha Sanga. These three are the signs of luck. The passion for small little things like marriage, children, change of jobs, health... the same passion you must have for knowledge.You know there are 4 baskets that I can keep and all your questions will be there. From these questions, move to space of wonderment! The WOW !!!
This is the whole point of Guru Purnima. The Guru is full. Moon is full. Let me also be full. When mind is filled with Guru, then it is also full, and is synonymous with the moon." "When you are filled with wisdom, love and the Guru's presence, then life cannot be anything but celebration.

JaiGurudev !!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gossip !!!

Gossip is like the spider web:



almost invisible

and spreading out in all directions.

It catches all flying thingsfrom the common bug

to the most beautiful of butterflies

and in its clutches it slowely devours them.

Knowledge is like the wind:

subtletransparentyet powerful and strong.

It tears the web of gossip to shreds

freeing all living things

and lifting them to the heavens.

Scott Hague

Monday, June 01, 2009

Food Tips from Guruji

Food Tips from Guruji
Guruji : How many of you have body pains since early in the morning, raise your hand ?
(There was about 25% of the crowd raising their hands)

Guruji : You know why? We eat the crops that are cultivated by using chemical fertilizers. This causes a lot of diseases in our body. Do you understand? We don't detoxify the body. To get good yield we use artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Because of these fertilizers, soil turns toxic and he produce from the soil in turn becomes toxic and our body gets toxic substances as we eat them which cause disease and pain.

How many have hip, joint, back pains and different kinds of headaches. I don't want you to tell me the number of head aches that you have at home!!! If we have to get rid of all these pains and diseases, we have to go back to our traditional method of farming. We have to do natural farming, Zero budget farming low-cost, more yield, better health. So we have to take this as a revolution to the farmers.

You know the white sugar is termed as white poison in western countries. As it overs the knobs of the intestine and stops the nutrients from being absorbed by the body. The children who consume a lot of sugar are mostly lean because oflack of nutrition. If you stop giving them sugar, they will start getting healthier. We eat a lot of sugar and reduce our body growth as well. So instead if white sugar you should start consuming cane sugar which is in turn good for the body. It helps the liver as it has minerals. We have to know how to eat tell not how to eat more.
Similarly we need to learn breathing practices to keep our body healthy and earn meditation to get peace of mind and these things are very much essential for life. We should have knowledge and awareness on meditation, breathingpractices and food.
Now let us switch on to cane sugar. The only difference that you may notice is that gulab jamuns would look much darker and jalebis would be of a different color!!! It does not matter.
After 30 -32 years everyone should take 3 Triphala tablets at night. It sets right all the three doshas, vata, pitha and kapha in the body. . It eliminates toxins from the body. Even if there is a problem with the food, Triphala clearsthe stomach and helps in good elimination the next morning. It also maximizes anti- oxidization in the body. All of you should take "Triphala" and you yan see the effect in your body within 5 to 7 days.

"Deva Vati" is a good cure for amebiosis and other diseases caused by change in food and water. It is harmless and every one must carry with them wherever they go. It replaces antibiotics like Flagyl and others. Two to three "Deva Vati" can cure ever.

In India , what ever we prepare we add turmeric in it. You know why? Because of its anti-oxidant properties and it has medicinal value. In 1980, we called upon scientists for a conference in Delhi . When asked about the use of turmeric, they said it is just a color pigment without any value. Today, the foreigners may turmeric is an antioxidant and it can give immunization against Cancer and let we do not understand its real value.In Tamilnadu we add turmeric in the pickles, especially the lemon pickles. Turmeric means Goddess Devi. She isincarnation of lemon, turmeric, and neem. All the three plants are considered sacred in our country and they all give good energy to our body. If we grow lemon and tulsi in each and every house we can have good health in our country.

You know in our country there is a shortfall in the production of pulses. We are importing nearly 40% of the pulses and if this continues we will not have sufficient food In the future. So we have to plant pulses in our home garden and our women can do it.My Grandmother was in Papanasam even at the age of 92 years she used to do things for herself and she had a good system of eating. Like, eating "Agathi Keerai" , on every "Dwadesi" day ( The day after ekadesi Fasting) and she used to take two kinds of vegetables . She had laid rules for herself and hence had a lot of energy. In the next generation the energy level came down and now in our generation it is getting lower. One more interesting thing you know our "Idly" is considered to be the most nutritious food in the World. Because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, fats, amino acids and fiber. Every one should consume ghee. Ghee helps the body to absorb nutrients. If I start talking on food I can go on for hours together. "Idly" is said to be the complete food it is a happy thing to know don't you think so.

Jai Gurudev !!!

Sri Sri on Buddha

Sri Sri on Buddha
On Saturday 9 May we celebrated Buddha Purnima(the day Buddha was born). Below is part of a talk by Sri Sri on Buddha.

When Buddha got enlightened on that full moon day in the month of May, it is said that he maintained silence for the whole week. He did not say a word. Mythology says that all the angels in the heaven were frightened. They knew that it was only once in a millennium that someone blossoms like Buddha. Now he was silent! The angels then requested him to say something. He said, “Those who know, they know even without my saying and those who do not know, will not know even if I say something. Any description of light to a blind man is of no use.

There is no point in talking to those who have not tasted the ambrosia of life, and therefore I am silent. How can you convey something so intimate and personal? Words cannot. And as many scriptures in the past have declared words end where truth begins.”The angels said, “What you say is right. But consider those who are on the borderline, who are neither fully enlightened nor totally ignorant. For them, a few words will give a push, for their sake you speak and every word of yours will create that silence.”

The purpose of words is to create silence. If words create more noise, then they have not reached their goal. Buddha's words would definitely create silence, because Buddha is the manifestation of silence. Silence is the source of life and is the cure for diseases. When people are angry, they maintain silence. First they shout and then comes the silence. When one is sad, they ask to be left alone and retreat into silence. Similarly, silence is the recourse one takes to if ashamed. If one is wise too, there’s silence.When Jesus was asked, “Are you the son of God?” he kept silent; it was the wisest thing to do. When you are telling someone you have a pain in the leg and they want you to prove it, how is that possible?

When you cannot prove something as deep as pain how can you prove something like enlightenment or divinity? Joy and fulfillment bring silence while desire brings noise.Look at the noise in your mind. What is it about? More money? More fame? More recognition? Fulfillment? Relationship? The noise is about something; silence is about nothing. Silence is the basis; noise is the surface.From the very beginning Buddha lived a very satisfied life. Any pleasure was at his feet the moment he wanted it. One day he said, “I would like to go and see what the world is.”He started thinking when he saw someone who was sick, someone who was old and someone who was dying.

These three instances were good enough to bring in him the knowledge that there is misery. When he saw someone sick, he said, “enough! I have experienced it.” Just one glimpse of an old man and a corpse was enough Buddha said, “there is no joy in life; I am dead already! There is no meaning in life. Let me go back.”Buddha set out in quest of truth, all by himself, leaving his palace, wife and son. Stronger the silence, powerful will be the questions that arise from such a silence. Nothing could stop him. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get away during day, so he quietly escaped at night and his search continued for several years. He did all that people told him to do, he went from place to place, fasted, and he walked many paths, before discovering four truths.The first truth is, “There is misery (Dukha) in the world.” In life, there are only two possibilities: one is to observe the world around us and know from others’ suffering and futile exercises, the second is experience it and find that it is misery. There is no third possibility. If you are sensitive, you don’t need to go through all that yourself. You can look at those who are suffering and become wise.The second truth is, “There is a cause for misery.” You can be happy without a reason. Joy does not need a reason, laughter does not need a joke but misery has a cause. The third truth is, “It is possible to eliminate misery.” The fourth truth is, “There is a path to be out of misery.”Following the four truths, he gives the eight-fold path of right equanimity, right vision, right silence, right meditation etc. Buddha also said that the three things to do are Sheela, which means conduct, Samadhi, which means an equanimous meditative state, and Pragya, which means awareness.Buddha was born at a very interesting time in India’s history, at a time when India was prosperous and had reached its height in philosophical thinking. In a highly intellectual society, people think they know it all, but in fact, they have not known at all. This was the case in India. So Buddha said, “Come, I have a simple technique for you. Keep your concepts to yourself, but just come and sit.” Then Buddha gave them four steps.They are: Observe the body (Kayaanu Paschana) Observe the sensations (Vedananu Paschana) Observe the flow of mind (Chittanu Paschana) Observe your true nature (Dhammanu Paschana) So, Buddha spoke and taught for years. Thousands would sit still, observe and meditate and become free. Buddha would not indulge in any philosophic discussion.I think it is mandatory for every psychologist to study Buddha! . Buddha has propounded all that there is to know about the mind and its functions in such a methodical manner. Mind is noise; the source of the mind is silence. That’s why Buddha said, “no mind”. He was referring to the chain of thoughts that simply wander in the mind all the time.At a time when there was so much prosperity, Buddha gave a begging bowl to his main disciples and asked them to go and beg! He made kings take off their royal robes and take a bowl in their hand! Not that they were in need of food but he wanted to teach them the lesson of becoming ‘nobody’ from being ‘somebody’. You are nobody; you are insignificant in this Universe. When kings and geniuses of that time were asked to beg, they became embodiments of compassion.

Observe your true nature. What is your true nature? It is peace, compassion, love, friendliness and joy and it is silence that gives birth to all this. Silence swallows the sadness, guilt, and misery and gives birth to joy, compassion and love. Buddha came to take away the misery, the guilt, the fear, the arrogance, the ignorance, and bring back wisdom, strength, beauty, knowledge and peace.Everyone can enjoy and cross the ocean of misery.

Sri Sri

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Path to the Goal that is You

The Path to the Goal that is You

A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every momoent.

How rich are you? Do you celebrate once a year? Once a month? Every day? If you celebrate every moment, you are the Lord of creation.

Review the year while you celebrate. This is your homework. What did you do? What did you achieve? How useful were you this past year? Sit for an hour and think about every week, one minute per week, and see the year’s growth in less than an hour. With a flower, on New Year’s Day, offer the whole year to the divine.

Sri Sri…

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Narayan Seva...

It was Sunday, after long kriya our Group was ready for Narayan Seva . We collected money from everyone and bought 50 kilos of rice , 10 kilos of dal, & 7 big packets of Parle biscuits.

The most interesting person was Mr. Abhay ( Traffic Police), who has done the Art Of Living course. He got mangola for us, says: " Aap log enka seva karo, mai aapka seva karunga " !!!

Guruji says,

Seva :

There are five types of Seva (service).

The first type is the seva done when you do not even know that you are doing it. You do not recognize it as seva because it is your very nature – you cannot but do it !!

The second type is the seva which you do because it is needed for that situation.

You do the third type of seva because it gives you joy.

The fourth type is done out of your desire for merit – you do seva expecting some benefit in the future.

And the fifth type is when you do seva just to show off, to improve your image and gain social or political recognition. Such seva is simply exhausting, while the first type does not bring any tiredness at all !!!

To improve the quality of your seva, regardless of where you start, you must move up to higher levels of seva.

Jai Gurudev !!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Sunset Fever....

I love Sun set...check out some of the pictures clicked by me...

Will post more soon...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Take Action for Global Warming !!!

1. Choose vegetarian or vegan meals. Livestock are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than transportation is. This is due to the large amounts of petroleum used in creating amonium nitrate fertilizer (for the corn they are fed) plus the cost of shipping that corn to the cattle and then shipping the cattle to slaughter and grocery. If one eats meat it should always be from a local source. Choosing vegetarian foods also drastically reduces agricultural water consumption and land use, and favorably impacts biodiversity.Vegetarian diets have been shown to promote good health and in most developed countries, eliminating meat from one's diet is as easy as making responsible choices at stores and restaurants. Other factors such as the means of production and distance food travels can also influence the total impact of our food choices.

2. Use compact fluorescent bulbs. Replace three frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs/lamps and save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$60 per year. A standard compact fluorescent bulb will save around one third of a tonne of greenhouse gas, along with the cost of six or more incandescent globes.Consider using more, and give them as gifts to family and friends. Consider donating a set to a local charity to refit their office with compact fluorescent lights.Remember, CFL bulbs do contain small amounts of toxic mercury. Therefore, proper disposal (recycling) is necessary to prevent any additional landfill contamination.

3. Use recycled paper. Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper. Decide if something is really worth printing out. Leave a signature at the bottom of your e-mails reminding the reader to think twice before printing the e-mail. Make the most of scrap paper for shopping lists, notes, scrapbooks, school and college note-taking etc. Only recycle your paper when it has been thoroughly used up!

4. Count your carbon. Keep track of your carbon consumption as a way of tracking your progress.
There is a logo called Carbon Counted that companies can put on their products to communicate their carbon footprint.Buying products that have a low Carbon Counted footprint number gives consumers a means by which to influence and reward companies that reduce emissions in the creation of their products.

Use a carbon calculator. These counters enable you to calculate your personal impact by adding up the carbon emissions from your activities. There are counters available for many countries; use your local search engine for results. An international calculator is provided by the World Resources Institute.

5.Water: Also, use less hot water. For example, if the shower is too cold, don't turn up the hot water but turn down the cold water. Don't waste water.

6. Replace old appliances and reduce reliance on them.
Inefficient appliances such as fridges, washing machines etc., waste energy. Save hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year by replacing them (and having your old appliance recycled or disposed of properly). Many countries have "energy star" ratings on new appliances that allow you to assess the energy usage of the appliance. You may even be able to check online before you go shopping, to save time. If this isn't an option, at least check the seals on your fridge or freezer and replace them if they show signs of wear.

7. Unplug unused electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and US$256 per year by unplugging them or switching them off at the wall using a power surge-protector (sometimes called a power center). Get into the habit of switching the power off before you go to bed.

8. Grow fast growing plants. Plants like bamboo grow faster and produce 35% more oxygen than trees like oak or birch, and require fewer chemicals and care. Make sure that the plants are appropriate for your area; prefer native over introduced species and do not plant problem species. Bamboo, for example, can be very invasive in most of the US.

9. Use your vehicle as a tool against global warming. If you can't live without a car, then use it in a way that minimizes global impact.

Buy a hybrid car. The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of CO2 and $3,750 per year driving a hybrid. Plug-in hybrids can save even more and give cash-back.
Buy a fuel efficient car. Save up to 20,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year using a more fuel efficient car - that's a savings of AUD$10,000 over a car's lifetime.Buying fuel efficient cars also encourage companies to continue making and improving them owing to increased demand. Practice green driving. Save gas and lower stress levels by being a considerate driver. Improve fuel efficiency by removing unused external objects such as roof racks, turning off your engine instead of idling for long periods of time (over 1 minute), and removing loads from the trunk/boot that are not necessary.

Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated - under inflated tires can reduce fuel economy by up to 3% and increase wear and tear on your tires.Keep your car tires inflated. Check them monthly. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$840 per year. A good gift is a tire air-pressure gauge as it not only saves money but makes driving safer.

Pass on this knowledge of Global Warming to people & save Mother earth !!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Silent Hill Snaps

The Silent Hill Resort Hangamaaaa.....

This is Silent Hill Resort two hours from Mumbai. We were around fifteen people with kids.
It is a amazing place full of trees , plants and flowers. We went to the waterpark first.

The day started with a stomach full of break fast ...
The whole day we were playing in swimming pool, slides and rain dance was fun :)...
The river side area was beautiful with mast jhula :)...check out the snap below...

The place is too beautiful so we will come back for a night stay !!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The DSN Dhamaka...Jhakkkssssss

He is Anandji, Art Of Living Teacher. He is mindblowing PadmaSadhana Man :)....

Ohh Can't explain the way he creates group energy in the Divya Samaj ka Nirman(DSN) course. In the four day course he is like a ROCKET.....concentrting on each and every person.

We all nearly 187 participants had amazing ...you can Rocking experience with him. The knowledges Points have entered our DNA till now. The guru stories he told us made all of us cry like mad....ohhh that was the real time we got connected with the master. That is the real power Anandji has he made us laugh and cry too like small kids !!!
We were ten people in a group. Our group energy was too high. We really had rock n roll. Thanks to our lovely Guruji for everything.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some snaps clicked by Me !!

Yellow flowers....the beautiful ones !!!

I love this pic :)...its amazing..The Taj Mahal...

This boat symbolizes our own life in this world.....Puri beach

Woww..I love Sun Set ..Can you see the ships...out there...
Will post some more too:))
Enjoy !!!

Sri Sri knows all ...the miracle

Hi Buddies,

It was a mind thrilling experience for me to see and feel the grace of Guru. In 5 days lots of healing happened. How Guruji has taken care of all and me :)...

The first mind blowing thing which happened was:
While sharing different guru stories I mentioned about the resent story about the terrorist attack which happened in Taj. And I narrated the whole story to all and how guru's grace takes care of everything. And that day was over for me. But Guruji keeps track of everything :)...heeee

After I left, one lady told that what ever she has told is completely stupid, how can this happen. If it had happened it should have come in news paper or TV to an old lady( who had recently meet Guruji in Shiridi). The old lady told no what madam has told is right you should not doubt. Have Faith !!! But that lady did not listen and went home. The next day the old lady who never reads news paper, suddenly started to search the new paper topics in MID DAY, Marathi. And then to her surprise she found the topic of Art Of Living and how they have conducted diff programs for the victims. The first thing she did was to rush to the same lady's house and showed her the news. She got a shock !!! The old lady just said " Tum ne jo bola Guruji ne suna " . Have Faith !!!.

Jhakssssssssssssssssssssssss.............I was amazed how he takes care of even the words we speak :)....
Another experience I will share when we all meet. Till then enjoyyyyy and have fun.

Jai Gurudev !!!
