This blog is on my personal thought's and experiences !! My inquiry on journey has already started ..:))
Happy Soul ..

Friday, November 10, 2006
Open Up Yourself!!!
You always want joy, more energy,in life, isn't it? You want more! Anything you are given, you want more- more money, more fame, more beauty, more joy, more pleasure....This "wanting something more" keeps bugging you in your mind, and you do not look to your capabilities. More will be given to you , only if you properly utilise, what you have already! This is a law in nature. Why should nature give you more, when you are stuck with your little mind?
This tendency of wanting more is there in you- you only have to give it a twist; just turn it around- instead of " What more can I have?" start asking yourself, "What more can i do?" Then you will see that there is joy. The nature of joy is to give because you are the source of joy! The more responsibility you take on, the more energy or power will come to you.
When you have ten things to do, and even one of them goes wrong, you can keep doing the other
thing( or the ten things)- the one thing that has gone wrong, will set itself right! But, if you have only one thing to do, and that goes wrong, then you are stuck with it.
When you have the intention to do something, resources simply flow in- when they are needed....and in the amount they are needed.
There is nothing much in doing what you can do- there is no growth. Stretching a little beyond your capacity, will increase your capacity. In whatever capacity you do something for society, for the environment, for creation, that much more you progress- that much more you go further.
The technique to get depressed is to sit and only think about yourself! If you sit and think, What about me? What will happen to me"- you will get thoroughly depressed. The way to expand from individual to universal consciousness is to share the sorrow and joy of others. The way to overcome personal misery is to share universal misery. The way to expand personal joy is to share universal joy! Instead of thinking ; "What about me? What can i gain from this world?"- think; -" What can i do for the world?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the founder of the Art of Living Foundation (1981) and the International Association for Human Values (1997). With a practice called Sudarshan Kriya, he guides us to go beyond the surface of our thoughts and emotions, and experience the essence of our true Self.
My School Thriveni Academy
Thriven Academy my School in Vadakapattu village, 30 km from Chennai city is a mini
The mini Island had more then 2000 students and staff members. I remember we had Thriveni Mahotsav, a cultural festival every year which included dances of all state, drama & singing competition. It was a fun time. I remember the tuck-shop, we use to wait for the evening so that we could go and eat. On the way to girls hostel, there was merry land (kids play ground), we use to pluck cherries and play there for some time.
As there is a slogan, if the base of the tree is strong, then the tree is strong. In the same way my school has made my base strong. The time spent there is an Asset for me. The school days are still fresh in my mind and will always cherish the time spent there.
This note is for the students of Thriveni and all associated with it.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Perfection & Imperfection
In a state of wisdom or enlightenment, imperfection is an effort, while perfection is a compulsion and unavoidable!!
There is a certain mindset that always finds fault, even in the best of condition.Such a mindset cannot know the sacred knowledge.If you are only intrested in the holes, you will not see the magnanimity of things.
The recognition of imperfections leads you to more perfection.Perfection can be of three types:
1. Perfection in action or work.
2. Perfection in speech
3. Perfection in feelings or intent
Sri Sri says, suppose someone makes a mistake and you get angry looking at that mistake ,then you are no better than the person because , there the action was imperfect, but here your feelings have become imperfect.Any action will have flaw, but when feelings become imperfect, they stay for a longer period...The innermost perfection is lost.
There are six imperfections - Lust, anger, greed, entanglement, arrogance & jealousy. You think one is better then the other but they are not.
Lust is considered a sin because in lust, you treat the other person like an object. In love, you see the person as someone higher. Anger is a sin because when you are angry, you lose your centre; you lose sight of the Self. In guilt, you limit the small mind to an action that has alreagy happened.
Sin is not your nature, and you are not born out of sin. Sin is just the wrinkle on a cloth. It needs proper ironing!!
Simplicity & Pretendence
Being natural is simplicity. Pretendence is to act the way you are not. Both the people exist in this world. May be sometime its obligatory to pretend when you reach a certain stage in life. And to some extent it’s fine and you can’t avoid it. My question is this was the case some decades back or it’s more now?
Being simple does not mean you don’t put makeup or were fashionable cloths, it’s to be real by heart. Yes to some extent we all pretend, as that has to be done. For example, if you see someone you don’t like still you smile and greet him. All this is fine.
Very few people you can find who are natural in this world. We can count the no. of people in our life or none. For actors I feel they forget to be natural and in corporate culture the pretendence is at high level. Everyone or the other is just trying to be good and appreciate the other, but at the back they can’t just tolerate the other person.
9/11 Attack & Air Force Engineer
So one day or the other we all have to face it!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Passive & Aggressive People
He says there are two types of people in the world - those who are passive and those who are aggressive. Aggressive people do not achieve much. For that matter, passive people also do not achieve much!!
It is easier to be aggressive or passive...and this is what has been happening in our country. There are people who are very passive -who don't do anything, who don't get involved in anything, and there are people who are very aggressive- they do anything(legal, illegal,right, wrong) to achieve whatever they want. Sooner or later both find their hands empty- both feel failure.
Then Sri Sri is elaborating on Gita....What is the Gita about? Is it passive or does it instigate one to be aggressive.
The answer is , It does neither of the two!! The Gita says: " Dynamism with calmness" . Dynamism with calmness is worth having in our lives. The serenity, which is proactive, is what is needed; it is what would be the right solution to any problem.
In very simple way he explains the essence of life to people.